Ability Awareness Day
(single day)
| A day where students learn what abilities people have and ways people with physical and mental differences live their lives. Volunteer opportunities vary | Michelle O'Connor-Ratcliff
Heidi Graver
onedaysurreal@gmail.com |
Adopt-a-family (Giving Tree) | Giving back to families in need around the holidays. Coordinate donations and supervise the giving tree. | Lisa Drelich and Katelyn Murphy |
Art Show
(single day, Spring) | Every student has a piece of artwork showcased in the MPR. | Clauda O'Barr
clauditapev@yahoo.com |
Arts Attack
(as scheduled w/teacher) | A teacher and parent volunteer driven art education program that occurs during school hours. Lessons tie in with the California art education standards. | Ami Lau
ami_lau@yahoo.com |
Assemblies | | Brenda Romero
Author’s Faire
(single day, as scheduled) | a school-wide event when a published children’s author gives upper and lower grade-level presentations | Lynn Poblete
ttdbot@gmail.com |
Aztec Readers Club
(as scheduled) | a school-wide activity to promote literacy | Mellissa Lopez
Nicole Orr
nbwright@westernu.edu |
Back-to-School Staff Appreciation Breakfast
(one morning, before school starts in the Fall) | a welcome breakfast to show the AB teachers and staff our appreciation for their continuing dedication to educating our students | Lisa Drelich |
Box Tops
(2 collection times/year, Fall & Spring) | Collected Box Tops from General Mills and other products earn money for the school. | Jenny Lee
abboxtops@gmail.com |
Dad's Breakfast/Muffins with Mom | Students and Dads or any adult family member enjoy breakfast together on campus before school. | Kim Knott
kknott1@earthlink.net |
Dad's Club | | Needs Chair |
E-Newsletter Editor | Compiles, edits and sends out the weekly e-newsletter with information regarding school, PTA and community events and activities are sent electronically via email. | Danielle Blumena
abptawebmaster@gmail.com |
Father Daughter Dance* | An event for Father figures and their daughters to come and enjoy a night of fun. Volunteers needed to arrange food, help at the event, set up clean up | adobebluffsfoundation@gmail.com |
Welcome Back Picnic
(single day) | Event co-sponsored by the AB Foundation and the ABES PTA for families to start off the school year with music, games and food trucks. | Brenda Romero and Michelle Christman |
Gardening Club | to be determined by chairperson | Caroline DeWeese |
Hospitality | Providing food at certain events throughout the year
| Mariah Chairsell
mariahjoynelson@gmail.com |
Lego League
(Fall) | Jr. FIRST LEGO League (Jr FLL) and FIRST LEGO League (FLL) are exciting and fun engineering programs that ignite an enthusiasm for discovery, science and technology through the power of LEGOs. | Jr. FLL - Orlando Cardoso
abesjrfll@gmail.com |
Mileage Club/ Fitness Fridays
(Mon & Wed 11:20-12:25) | Students have the option to exercise at lunch recess by running laps and completing a fitness course. | Marisela Drake
Yalovy Ha
yalovy@gmail.com |
Mother Son event* | An opportunity for mother figures and their sons to come have an evening of fun. Decorate, set up/clean up, help at the event etc | adobebluffsfoundation@gmail.com |
Odyssey of the Mind | | Ami Lau
ami_lau@yahoo.com |
Playground Partners | | Brenda Romero |
PTA Website | AB PTA sponsored website | Danielle Blumena
abptawebmaster@gmail.com |
Red Ribbon Week
(October) | An annual National PTA program to educate the students about drug prevention | Christine Paulson, Michelle Pietsch, Marlene Lopez |
Reflections Art Program(Fall) | An Annual National PTA program promoting the importance of the arts in education. The program, including an evening reception for all participants focuses on participation, not competition. | Jill Episcopio
adobebluffsreflections@gmail.com |
Rummage Sale | | Kim Knott
kknott1@earthlink.net |
Safety Patrol | | Mr. Figone |
Scholastic Book Fair
(one week, fall and spring)
The Scholastic Book Fair allows students and parents a chance to purchase books on campus. | Jill Episcopio
Marisela Drake
Danielle Blumena
dblumena@yahoo.com |
Silent Auction* | A fundraiser held in the winter. Find items to be auctioned off, set up/decorate/clean up event. | Lora Mills
Amie Butman
Spirit Wear
(September, October) | AB Aztec logo clothing is available for purchase to promote school spirit. | Jessica Gramlich
daisyjag27@gmail.com |
Staff Appreciation Week
(Spring) | Parents and students show their appreciation to the AB teachers and staff. | Needs Chair |
Teacher Pizza Night* | A night to come and enjoy some pizza served up by your very own ABES Teachers. Help with set up/clean up, concessions etc | adobebluffsfoundation@gmail.com |
Traffic Circle
(7:15-7:50am daily) | In order to ensure a safe and efficient school drop off in the morning, volunteers open doors for students in the traffic circle and help control traffic in the parking lot. | Kim Knott
kknott1@earthlink.net |
Variety Show
(single evening, Spring) | School-wide talent showcase | Brenda Romero
bgrisette@msn.com |
Yearbook * | School-wide annual yearbook. | Candice Yee
Abby Charfauros |